Our personal, competency, and trait assessments makes the whole objectives of assistance process become more accurate.

An individuals is assessed carefully based on his/her actual performance (education background and skill competencies) and potential capabilities (talent, personality, and emotional maturity), to become a better and improved individual, able to overcome problems, and perform at his/her best


- Psychological Assessments for academic and working purposes, from school readiness, interest matching, vocational and career selection

- Marriage Readiness Assessment

- Psychological Check Up to detect any emotional or psychological problems


A2G Center


Jl. Pela Raya No.210, Kby. Baru, Jakarta Selatan, 12160, Indonesia


Phone : +62 021 7392068

Whatsapp: 0818 0845 7388


Email us :


Our personal, competency, and trait assessments makes the whole objectives of assistance process become more accurate.

An individuals is assessed carefully based on his/her actual performance (education background and skill competencies) and potential capabilities (talent, personality, and emotional maturity), to become a better and improved individual, able to overcome problems, and perform at his/her best


- Psychological Assessments for academic and working purposes, from school readiness, interest  matching,

  vocational and career selection

- Marriage Readiness Assessment

- Psychological Check Up to detect any emotional or psychological problems


Our personal, competency, and trait assessments makes the whole objectives of assistance process become more accurate.

An individuals is assessed carefully based on his/her actual performance (education background and skill competencies) and potential capabilities (talent, personality, and emotional maturity), to become a better and improved individual, able to overcome problems, and perform at his/her best


- Psychological Assessments for academic and working purposes, from school

   readiness, interest  matching, vocational and career selection

- Marriage Readiness Assessment

- Psychological Check Up to detect any emotional or  psychological problems


Our personal, competency, and trait assessments makes the whole objectives of assistance process become more accurate.

An individuals is assessed carefully based on his/her actual performance (education background and skill competencies) and potential capabilities (talent, personality, and emotional maturity), to become a better and improved individual, able to overcome problems, and perform at his/her best


- Psychological Assessments for academic and

   working purposes, from school readiness, interest

   matching, vocational and career selection

- Marriage Readiness Assessment

- Psychological Check Up to detect any emotional or

   psychological problems