All of our music and culture movement to build a titanium generation with resilient social skill for higher achievement and professional mental attitude for leadership
We are looking for talented children to be the ICON of Attitude Achievement Generation Save Indonesia,
please send your portfolio to (condition applied)
Your donation on society development is very valuable and highly appreciated. Please identify your choice of activity by inserting specific code* when you make a transfer to MANDIRI
No Rekening : 127.0007571514 a.n. PT Kasandra Persona Prawacana
*BC for Broadcasting
MC for Music & Culture
RC for Resilient Program
Your donation on society development is very valuable and highly appreciated. Please identify your choice of activity by inserting specific code* when you make a transfer to MANDIRI
No Rekening : 127.0007571514 a.n. PT Kasandra Persona Prawacana
*BC for Broadcasting
MC for Music & Culture
RC for Resilient Program